Love is in the air…
And what’s more romantic, loving and heart-warming than Disney movies. I’ve compiled the ultimate list of the most romantic Disney movies of all time. Now, yes, I understand, most Disney movies begin with the tragic death of a parent, someone having a breakdown and then the slow road to triumph – along the way, there is always love. love. love.
The absolute most classic of them all. Boy meets girl. Girls runs from boy. Girl’s uber turns into a pumpkin and she loses her Manolo. Boy stalks girl to return her Manolo. Boys finds girl and she becomes a princess… you know, typical. And it’s all because of an epic style makeover. Oh, and true love!
Beauty and the Beast
Two outcasts finding love is such a beautiful thing. This is one where the ending of the beast (spoiler!) turning back into the pretty prince, is really unnecessary. The beast, after he manages his anger issues, is really quite adorable and charming and it’s easy to see why Belle falls for this furry chonk. The music, visuals, story and epic dance number make this one swoon worthy for all time.
Lady and The Tramp
OMG – this one is soooooo cute! Lady and The Tramp really holds up and the chemistry between these two is at Bogart and Bacall level. Doggie style (you know what I mean ;).
Wall – E
This is love at its sweetest, most innocent and pure. The way Wall E looks at Eva – is what every woman on earth dreams about (unless it’s from the creepy guy behind you in line at Whole Foods… UNLESS he looks like Ryan Gosling – just keeping it real). Anyhoos, Wall E’s love for Eva is so filled with unconditional heart it’s almost overhwelming. When Wall E lovingly cares for the shut down Eva, protecting her from the rain, it truly brings a tear to your eye – and this is from a boxy, little, short-curcuit looking, animated character. All I can say is: well done, Pixar. Well done.
I LOOOOOOVE this movie. I’m not sure what it is – the lead character’s passion, the unlikely friendship, the underdog winning – everything about it makes me happy. Most of all its Paris and the music. That’s what lands this movie on the epic romance list. Yes, the two chefs fall for each other – and they’re adorable, but the real romance is between Remy and food. And who hasn’t had an epic (and probably ongoing) love affair with food? It’s my favorite Friday night date. And a major, honorable mention: Michael Giachinno’s score should be in the hall of fame for greatest sounds to make you swoon and fall in love.
Is there any better way to begin a romance than with a smack to the head with a pan? The epic love / hate relationship between Rapunzel and Flynn Rider is so much fun to watch – and they are particularly gorgeous. Love these two! And the fact that she saves his life by making the ultimate hair sacrifice – cutting her hair! – I’d say this was a love that’s sure to last.
Ok, here we go. This is one that destroys you in the first 10 minutes. It takes your heart and throws it across the room. You do not have a pulse if you are not an absolute puddle at the end of the first few minutes of this movie. But it’s because, through the best story-telling in the world, Pixar is able to tap into the most raw, real and vulnerable of all of the emotions of love: loss. But beyond Carl’s initial heartbreak, this is a story of self-love and regaining the ability to connect again. It is a gorgeous, perfect movie that will make you look at your significant other and really, truly appreciate every moment you have together.
Now, put the do not disturb sign up, pop the champagne and let’s get our love on! I hope you’ve enjoyed the list of the most romantic Disney movies of all time.
PS-Are you as Disney obsessed as I am? Be sure to check out more of my Disney favorites here!