Most Romantic Stay at Home Date Nights
Hello, love! I love Valentine’s Day! The day to celebrate life’s most complex, perplexing, elusive and most powerful of emotions… love. Isn’t it funny how such an important, overwhelming and all encompassing thing is represented by a cutesy little chonk known as cupid. How apropos (love that sexy silent sssssss).
Now, the question is how to celebrate this day… at home. In 2020000000, it feels like the words at home is synonomous with, oh, everything we do. So having a romantic night at home for Valentines day is a no brainer. So, first off, stay. In. Bed. Stay cozy and comfy. But, if you feel going out on the town – AKA the living room – let’s do it! I have got you covered to make it the enchanted evening of your dreams… in stretchy pants, of course.
Movie + Cocktails = Hells Yeah!
Remember this is a celebration of your love… together! SO, choose a favorite movie for each of you – I mean your absolute FAVORITE movie of all time and have an epic movie night. Yes, I know you may be subjected to “Terminator” for 118 time but then you get “Thelma and Louise” again (Brad Pitt! You and you husband are welcome!) Then, before each viewing, prepare a sassy cocktail to go with it – sci-fi? something with Vodka! Romance? Champagne! Adventure? Something exotic and rum based! Have fun and go nuts!
Speakeasy in your living room!
Yes, this one is for real! I was so incredibly impressed with the quality of the entertainers on this one – it was hands down the best virtual entertainment we did all quarantine! And it’s friggin’ sexy! AND it comes with exotic make your own cocktails! What could be better? It’s Speakeasyondemand.com. There are amazing exotic dancers, magicians, singers and a girl in a champagne bathtub!!!!! For reals! This one is an absolute MUST!
Time for some sexy competish!
I know this seems SUPER nerdy – but only from people who haven’t done it (Judgey McJudgerson). It is soooooooo much fun! There are a bunch of virtual trivia nights that range from 80’s movies to the Office to you name it. Feverup.com is the best site for all virtual funness! Also, there is an epic bingo game: What else do I need to say bingo + epic drag queen = awesomeness! Trust me. Drag Queen Bingo!
Exotic snacks!
What is more romantic than trying exciting new things together? Like, oh I don’t know, egg yolk popcorn? bacon and lime chips? Universal Yums delivers the coolest, most crazy snack boxes from all over the world to your doorstep! Yes, some of them are funky and some of them are EPIC – sea salt caramel fudge, banana coconut roll, soft mango cookies. This is the most fun thing to do and a new box from a new country comes every month!!!! My fiancé and I have been doing this for months and we LOVE it! It’s like Christmas every time our box comes!!! We even gave our whole family subscriptions for Christmas! Yes, we dig this and you will too!
Hot Tip: be sure to switch on youtube and do a virtual walking tour of the country you are having snacks from – fully immersive! Yeah!
Lastly, be sure to grab a gorgeous bottle of champagne and toast to your love!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
PS-Be sure to check out the most romantic Disney movies of all time!