My fitness journey has… actually, just begun. Meaning, I have not seriously worked out in a loooooong time and have just discovered something I love and something that works. And that, was quite a huge hurdle.
But let me back up, I was a prima ballerina – yes, that is correct, PRIMA, with the New York City Ballet… at the age of 12. So I peaked, a couple of years ago. Ha!
After that, I was skinnnnny for all of my twenties – like, eat anything (I kind of remember fried chicken, Bud Light and Chinese chicken salad being my main food groups) and nothing happened. Never gained a pound and hated by all.
Until… age kicked in. Ahhh, the thirties – oh yes. It is real. Ladies, if you’re not there yet, it’s comin’ for ya. Oh, it’s comin. Let me just say this: stuff just starts to REGISTER. You will be paying for things that your mouth charged and your body will have to pay the bill. BUT… all is not lost. There IS an answer. And it’s so boring… workout and eat healthy. Boom! I’m a genius.
But, seriously, a huge part of my problem was that I never established a serious workout routine, of any kind. I would start and stop, over and over again. It was usually because it got too hard and took too long to get results. And most of all, it wasn’t FUN. And I am allllllll about fun.

So, finally, deep in the depths of LA quarantine, I discovered the program for me. I needed structure and a schedule set for me – I wanted the pros to do it, set it for me, I’ll do it and I better see results! And I did.
I found an amazing app that gave me choices – I chose a program that lasted 3 weeks and the best part of it was… it was a half hour a day workout. ½ hour! Ok, I have a lot of BS excuses – but it’s hard to say I can’t give a half hour of my day to my fitness with a straight face.
So I did it. And surprisingly to me, I showed up every single day. And… I lost 4 pounds! Just seeing that, was enough to power me into the next program. I am hooked. And I love it. I really love proudly bragging about my workouts too – and you’re allowed! People don’t get mad when you boast about how strong and fit you’ve become. It’s not allowed to be construed as bratty or snobby. LOVING it!
It was just that simple. AND it was fun! I know you’re eye rolling at that – but I swear it. You REALLY have to find what works for you. That’s the best advice I can give – you have to keep trying. Keep searching for the perfect thing for you and then do it. Every day. Be that girl. Be that version of yourself. Trust me, it’s sexy. It’s glorious. And it’s powerful.
If you want to workout with me, get fit with me, or just know what I did and what adore (see what I did there?), click this link.
But, no matter what, find your bliss in getting happy, healthy and becoming the version of yourself you always dreamed of. Or… maybe you’re already there? Lucky bish.