I absolutely LOVE All Hallows’ Eve! I don’t necessarily like to be too scared, I like to be Disney scared, you know, harmless, tiny startles and laughing scared. But I adore the spirit of Halloween and all things spooky. Witches, ghosts, ghouls, goblins – I’ll take it all! And candy. Lots and lots of candy! Obviously, this year is going to be very different but still, the sentiment is there and the ghouls are ready to howl!
This is a drive-thru Halloween adventure with pumpkin picking, socially distanced trick or treating and a jack-o-lantern tunnel! And costumes are encouraged! Perfect for the kiddies. Sounds so fun! Hauntoweenla.com

Haunted Hayride
The most famous and iconic of all LA Halloween spooks, the hayride is definitely a little different this year – but still terrifying! This year is a drive through and then drive-in experience where you can stay safe and socially distanced in your car while getting your scares on. They have come up with incredibly creative and unique ways to keep the terror alive this year – so check it out! This year it’s being held in San Dimas, instead of Griffith Park, and is meant for adults. losangeleshauntedhayride.com
Irvine Pumpkin Patch
The Irvine Railroad will transform itself into an epic pumpkin patch with haunted house, hay maze, train rides, carnival games and more. And lots and lots of pumpkins!!!!!

The Bite LA: Halloween Food Crawl and Creature Safari
What the heck is a creature safari?! You’re about to find out! This spooky drive through crawl snakes its way around Legg Lake and includes 8 scary bites, campfire desserts, warm fall beverages and immersive entertainment. As you creep around the lake in your car, you will use a flashlight to try to identify the terrifying creatures that are lurking in the dark. The real question is: will you survive?! MUAHAHAHA! thebitela.com
Happy haunts, everyone!